Course curriculum

    1. A message from Nicola!

    2. 🎉 Join my client/student only group

    3. 📝 Starting survey

    4. 🤝 Licence & Referral Programme

    1. Overview

    2. About Nicola

    3. Redundancy Response Kit Checklist

    4. Redundancy Response Kit Workbook

    1. Intro

    2. What to expect

    3. What to remember

    4. What might happen

    5. Collective consultation

    6. Step by step guide

    7. Conversation overview

    1. Overview

    2. Source Your Support Squad

    3. The 6 Golden Rules

    4. When To Call The Experts

    5. Resources

    1. Overview

    2. Check Your Paperwork

    3. Understand The Situation!

    4. Clarify The Offer

    5. Role Options

    6. Package Options

    7. The Fairness Factor

    1. Overview

    2. Identify Your Goals If You Stay

    3. Identify Your Goals If You Go

    4. Identify Their Goals

    5. Find the Win | Win

About this course

  • £29.00

Get the Redundancy Response Kit